Factory Tours w/ The Padron Family in Nicaragua

Most cigar enthusiasts are able demonstrate a basic understanding of the cigar manufacturing process covering everything from provenance, to soil & climate considerations, to fermentation of tobacco, to the rolling of cigars, and most things in-between.

What would it be like then, to travel to a world-reknown cigar manufacturer’s base of operations in their respective country for a closer look at the journey a premium cigar makes from “seed to smoke”?   Well, Members of The Vertigo Club are offered those opportunities!

Jorge Padron, President of Padron Cigars and his legendary father, Don Orlando Padron, founder of the storied brand, have both been incredibly generous to Seattle’s landmark Vertigo Club, going so far as to host Members of the Club during a recent journey to Nicaragua.

More than just an educational experience on the Padron family’s cigar-making process, this is a chance to witness the unmatched passion of a vertically-integrated, iconic cigar family in action.  To hear everything from the genesis of how the Padron brand came to be, the journey that Don Orlando Padron undertook to grow the company in the early days, the family’s philosophy in everything they do each step along the way, the difficulties they have experienced both politically and economically, to see the hundreds of caring craftsmen they employ to help bring these magnificent cigars to life, to walking through the fields, feeling the soil, handling the tobacco, and tasting the finished product, is to bring far more meaning, understanding, and appreciation for one of the few products that are still hand-made by such a passionate family.

For the cigar consumer, there is no greater an experience to be had.  Membership in The Vertigo Club certainly has its benefits.